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Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Life @ Core Business School..................................

The first when I came to this beautiful place which was my college I saw that the vicinity it was so simply serene and soothing.

I felt like it was the place for me, so the first day started everyone in their full zeal and enthusiasm went to this so profound and subtle place called “Core business school” 

So now first of all like people are at first sight they start judging people like that only even without knowing as to how they are

So when I thought about this, a thought crossed my mind and I thought we shouldn’t be judge mental and initially we are here to be something and not to belittle others and to be precise.

We are here for peer learning and have a concise knowledge about what we’ll be doing in our future core business school taught me what discipline really is
They made many things permissible for us but keeping other things into consideration and what my top priority was, and made us realize what and I know one fine day me and all my class mates will fly away from this place with great pride. 

All I know is after all these days of slogging and days being grueling ,but nevertheless what hard we’ll do today will eventually reap fruits tomorrow ,and honestly speaking in this short time span I found out in myself that I have tremendous potential within me all I needed was to pull that thing out ,and in the end one day I’ll be what I set out be that is not an MBA but to test my limits and I know nothing can put me down. 

I have unexceptional faith on my abilities and I know they’ll never put me down.

Submitted by:-
Rial Lawrence (Level 1)


  1. The very first day when i came to visit Core Business School... i was like it's just awesome and amazing...

    What i like was the peaceful environment and the greenry it has... It's just amazing.

    When i attended the first class i was not so comfortable with the environment in the class. It was totally new for me, but after two days i got mixed in the environment...

    I think it was my 3rd or 4th day to give my presentation on Marketing Management topic, and the thing which i noticed in my self that i was not hesistant at all to present in fornt of the class... That made me felt good...

    Well, the bottom line is that m enjoying at CBS and not at all feeling that i am away from my home...

    Loving the life at CBS...

    Nidhi Waygaonkar
    (Level 1)

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